Archive List for Master Touch Typing

Guide to Mastering Touch Typing by a Typing Geek

Master Touch Typing

Typing without looking at the keyboard looks cool and speeds up your work. And learning it is not difficult at all. But! If you don't know the tricks, you might never master touch typing. 1. Return to the Home Position First, try placing your index fingers on F and J. Did you place them? There・・・

Typing for Beginners: Understanding Finger Placement, Part 2

Master Touch Typing

In our previous article, we learned about the "home position." Today, let's learn which finger should press which key! Explaining which fingers press A and Z can be confusing, so I've used colors to help illustrate. Pink... PinkyBlue... Ring fingerGreen... Middle fingerOrange... Index finger Adhering to this finger placement will undoubtedly help you improve your・・・

Typing for Beginners: Understanding Finger Placement, Part 1

Master Touch Typing

To master touch typing, it's essential to first get comfortable with the fundamental finger positioning, known as the home position. The home position is when you place your left fingers on ASDF and your right fingers on JKL;, as illustrated below. \Mamma Mia!/ ==   \Mamma Mia!/==     Touch typing is about typing without・・・

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