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    タイ,船,ろんり,カナ,貝,本,ゆり,武器,ゴキ,ブリ,ぺい,ヴォーカル,わざ,せぃ,どじ,ふははは,ジョン,モカ,ソリ,部長,俺,私,君,あなた,ひま たい,ふね,ろんり,かな,かい,ほん,ゆり,ぶき,ごき,ぶり,ぺい,ヴぉーかる,わざ,せぃ,どじ,ふははは,じょん,もか,そり,ぶちょう,おれ,わたし,きみ,あなた,ひま ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px, It can't be true that I've lost., Who the hell are you?, I'm 100% sure that your luck will not last.brbr I have all these keyboids on my side., I'm going to ask you one last time. Don't you want to control the Colosseum with me?, We are capable of more than just controlling the Colosseum., I'd like to create a world ruled by keyboid masters., What's your answer?, ・・・Okay., That's too bad@@ but it can't be helped.,ch22018/12/wasedahisyo.png,css2width:100px,css2margin-top:-30px, You stand no chance! Run!!22, I won't let that happen., Now@@ everyone@@ we'll all destroy them., Doooooon't!!!22 c18,ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px,MCHse23, How ... could...this...have happened?, How could they ...have....won....against this many , Jeez,ch22018/12/wasedamajime2.png,css2width:160px,css2margin-top:-30px, I can't believe you won all by yourself....22, (I thought you would lose...)22,ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px, There is no point pretending to be dead...., I was planning to get up and beat everyone up after you lost., Why am I still alive? I'm a keyboid@@ so..., That was quick. 22, You guys have far more power than us…22, You guys are far better than just being the generals of the Colosseum.22, Waseda@@ are you going to take them to that place?, The keyboids go far back into history.22, I will take you to a different dimension 22, where the strongest keyboids from the past gather.22, We've competed with them before@@ and we were no match for them., But before that@@ I'd like you to compete with me., I will never give in until you completely beat me. Now@@ we begin. MCHse09,ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px, Hehehe@@ how unsightly you are., I've got an idea. You gave me a hard time@@ so, why don't we get rid of Waseda@@ the secretary in front of you?,ch22018/12/wasedamajime2.png,css2width:160px,css2margin-top:-30px, ・・・22, Cry out loud now!, ・・・22, Heh・・・22,ch22018/12/perfectwaseda.png,css2width:160px,css2margin-top:-30px, Hehehehehe22, What? You're going crazy?, Hehahahaha22, The idiots are making too much fuss.22, Look@@ Bonge.22,MCHse23,ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px, Haha@@ it was realistic acting@@ Waseda.,ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px, What!?, Why are you alive!?, I put a knife through your heart!!,ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px, Huh? You can't possibly kill me with a knife., You can't kill a keyboid like me.,ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px, !?!?, That's right.22, Bonge@@ it's been a while@@ but why don't we do this? 22,ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px, Yeah@@ I'm getting tired of disguising myself as a human., Now@@ brace yourself@@ you guys!!!,P2,bons,ch22018/12/speedybonge.png,css2z-index:5,css2transform: rotateY(180deg),css2width:200px,css2margin-top:2%,css2margin-left:4500px,css2transition-duration:1.6s,css1transition-timing-function:linear,css2transition-property:margin-left,ch12018/12/speedybonge.png,css1z-index:5,css1width:400px,css1margin-top: 2%,css1margin-left:-3000px,css1transition-duration:0.4s,css1transition-timing-function:linear,css1transition-property:margin-left,css1transition-delay:1.5s,||2018/12/seizoroi2.png,^^,bone,P1,css1margin-left:initial,css1margin-top:-40px,ch22018/12/wasedahisyo.png,css2margin-left:initial,css2width:100px,css2margin-top:-30px,css2transform:rotateY(0deg),ch12018/12/Andrew_2.png,css1width:110px, GASP・・・, win....against....all, ・・・,ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px, ・・・I've been watching your fight., You defeated A-ranked Hews all by yourself., You are now S-ranked like us., Haha@@ congratulations.22, I feel sorry that I kind of deceived you., I am a keyboid@@ and Waseda is my master., Time to time@@ we have to face these foolish gangs., I disguised myself as a human so that Waseda wouldn't be targeted., Now@@ you're S-ranked@@ so we definitely do this@@ right?, You know@@ the final battle., Hahaha@@ I'm itching to do this.22, Now@@ give me your 100%!!! ch12018/12/bonge3.png,css1width:150px,css1margin-top:-40px,ch22018/12/wasedahisyo.png,css2width:100px,css2margin-top:-30px,MCHse16, I've lost., How strong!22, I can't believe I lost to such newbies., In any case@@brbr You are the ruler of this Colosseum now., You will likely be targeted., Hahaha@@ that will be fun.22, Well@@ it's time to have a party., Everyone at the Colosseum should celebrate the birth of the new ruler!, Bring all the gladiators and all the people at the Colosseum. It's Waseda's treat! , I will imprison Hews and his aids.22, Huh? Don't talk nonsense@@ Waseda. , They conspired and attempted to commit murder.22, Tsk@@ you've got a point. They need some time to cool off in prison., I still can't believe I lost. The champion of the Colossem lost.,ch22018/12/perfectwaseda.png,css2width:160px,css2margin-top:-30px, The say?22, Hahaha22, You have an evil face@@ Waseda.brbr Oh@@ right. Right., What? No@@ no. Nothing. It's too soon for you to know., Hahaha22, Forget it. Let's join the party., That's a good idea.22,MCHse30 0 80 100 0 70 85 0 0 0 36 21 100 20 2018/12/b3291fb708945e24cedaaf1ba36c27a5.png se21 max-width:600px;max-height:400px; 2




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